Meet the Founders...

Rev Ken and Michelle Porter have spent 20 years working with hungry, homeless, abused and addicted populations in Canada’s inner cities.

Most people don’t get to experience the verse in the Bible that says to sell all you have and give it to the poor. The Porters have done this, not once, but twice.

In 2000, they founded Souls Harbour RESCUE Mission in Regina, Saskatchewan. It became the largest service provider for the homeless in the province, feeding over 100,000 meals each year, and sleeping 90 people each night.

A decade later, they once again responded to the call. Ken and Michelle sold all their possessions, packed a few mementos into the back of their Matrix, and drove 4000 km across Canada, strangers in their new home of Halifax.

9 months later, Souls Harbour RESCUE Mission was born. But Ken and Michelle didn’t stop there. They also worked for free - full time - for the first 2 years, in order to give the Mission a head start in becoming established.

The Porters have 25 years of experience in the field of addictions recovery. They have assisted over 100 men, women and families off our Canadian streets and into a new life.



Speakers Bureau



Michelle Porter is available for speaking to business groups, networking clubs and more. Michelle Porter is an inspirational keynote speaker who has spoken to crowds in excess of 1000 people from topics ranging from philanthropy to social entreprenuerism as well as inner city issues that impact our country.



Rev Ken Porter is available to fill the pulpit at your church. Rev Porter has preached at more than 77 different churches, and has preached 1000’s of times. His content is relevant, grace-filled and Biblically based.





The Mission Moment


If you would like to have a 5 minute talk to your group, Sunday School class or church, both the Porters, and several staff and volunteers are prepared to bring brief greetings, inspiration and a story from the street.




Mission Statement

Souls Harbour rescues people from poverty, addiction and despair by offering emergency help such as food, clothing and shelter, life-changing programs and a message of hope.

Core Values



Charity: a practical program or individual act of love done to help those in need – love and good deeds.  
Evangelism: sharing the good news of salvation with the Mission residents and guests – our priority.
Discipleship: training new believers at the Mission to grow in the knowledge and grace of Christ and to become active in Christian (church) fellowship.  
Expansion: refers to expanding the quality and variety of Mission services to the community as the Lord provides the vision and means – a movement, not an institution.


Statement of Faith


• We believe the Bible to be the inspired, infallible, ultimately authoritative Word of God.
• We believe there is one God, eternally existing as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
• We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is Deity, that He was born of a virgin, that we are redeemed by His atoning death through His shed blood, that He bodily resurrected and ascended into heaven, and that He will come again in power and great glory.
• We believe that individuals are saved through a direct, personal encounter with the risen Lord, at which time they are regenerated by the Holy Spirit.
• We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, by whom Christ indwells each believer, enabling him or her to live a godly life of obedience as he or she reaches for maturity.
• We believe the Holy Spirit unites all true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ and that together they form one body, the church.

*No one is refused service based on their religious preferences.

